Day: March 2, 2012

The dishes are piling up and for once it’s not because I’m lazy!

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Happy Friday!

It’s a weekend. I don’t work. It’s the start of spring break. And I don’t have to do dishes today.

Can I get an “AMEN!”

Well unfortunately the reason for no dishes is because our dishwasher/sink/drain is a little bit mad at us. I decided to clean out the fridge yesterday and we might have had a few too many containers of old leftovers in there. Isn’t that what a garbage disposal is for?  My husband informed me that it’s not for a month’s supply of old leftovers. Ooops.

I started the dishwasher at about 5:00 last night and it started leaking just a little bit out the bottom. I didn’t think anything of it.

(Really? Is it normal to have water leak out the dishwasher? Well anyway.)

Daddy got home a little before 6:00 and at about that time I noticed alot more water. I opened the dishwasher and water came gushing out not to mention it was full of soap bubbles. I have no idea what that was about. I promised I didn’t use regular dishwasher soap.

So as soon as my darling husband got home  he started working on the mess and came to find out about my leftover purge which was glogging the drain. He worked on it most the night but it’s still not working.  I came upstairs last night after putting the kiddos to bed and found this:

He must think I’m forgetful or something.

Well in other news we had to run to Wally World last night to get Draino and of course it made perfect sense to swing into Cherry Berry. Yum.

I ran yesterday. Let me say that again so it sinks in. I ran yesterday. It’s been a long time folks. I’m mainly been doing nothing the elliptical but decided that running is what best helps me keep the weight off. (Oh ya, and also not eating so much Cherry Berry.)  We are (hopefully) going to be running a 5K the end of this month. 30 days to get up to 3 miles! I made it 1.5 miles yesterday and also did my back exercises and strength training (which has helped so much!) and so I’m very sore today. It’s a good sore though, ya know.

In other news, sad news, our Allie dog isn’t doing very well. Last weekend she would hardly move and her stomach looked really distended. I took her to the vet on Monday and he said she probably has a tumor on her spleen or liver and she definitely has alot of fluid in her tummy, probably blood. Unfortunately there’s no real treatment so it’s just a matter of time. We are meeting with the vet again today so Pat can talk to him.

Last night we let her lay in bed with us. We love our sweet Allie dog so much.

Have a good weekend! We appreciate your prayers as we get closer to losing our girl. So far the kids seem to be ok about it but when it actually happens I know it’ll be awful.