Day: February 16, 2011

Life in the crazy lane

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~Friday Caleb got really sick and Saturday morning we took him in to find out he probably had the croup. He got a treatment and by Sunday he was feeling a little better but still has a really bad cough.  Now today Angel’s nose is running like crazy and she’s coughing and I haven’t been feeling the best but hopefully we can all get healthy.  We have been having the most fabulous weather and we just had to go outside yesterday for a little bit. We are so anxious for Spring!

~My husband, he is amazing. I had to work Valentine’s day night and so we had decided that he’d plan a date for us on Sunday.  Well as I mentioned Caleb was sick and although he was feeling a little better on Sunday, I kinda assumed that we wouldn’t go out.  Pat didn’t say anything during the day on Sunday and since we are complete rock stars at communication I didn’t say anything either and was in my pj’s by 8:00 pm. The kids and I were sacked out on the couch watching Toy Story and Grandma Barb walks in. Pat said, “You better get dressed honey.”

Big stinker. We went to Perkins and he said I could order as many desserts as I’d like. I said how about one. He said no we have to get at least three. Oh my word. So three desserts we did get and had a great hour of talking and were completely sick by the end of our date (from the dessert, not the talking).

And because I’ve lost all sense of self discipline, on Valentine’s Day the next day the kids and I went to Oh My Cupcakes and got six cupcakes for hubby (and us too).  I had to write in his card how he’s sweeter than three desserts from Perkins and six Oh My Cupcakes.

~Last night Pat was working late and so after supper, in an attempt to save myself from complete overwhelmtion, I suggested to Angel that we go to the play area at the mall. What was I thinking? That she’d say, “Oh no Mama, let’s stay home and read books.”   So when I tried to take back my words, I’m sure y’all know what happened. And off to the play area at the mall we went.

Yes, I realize my children were not feeling the best.  Well let me tell you friends, it’s not the germs you need to worry about at the mall play area.  To my surprise (and I’m sure yours), both my children were complete angels but are probably traumatized for life by the wild, rambunctious, bossy, rough, pushy, won’t get out of the way children that were there.

At one point Angel was trying to go down the slide and a little girl was blocking her way and wouldn’t move. Angel started to freak out a little and so I went over and yelled at that other girl and told Angel to just politely say, “Excuse me please.”  A few minutes later the same scenario played out and I was pleasantly surprised to hear Angel say, “EXCUSE ME.”  Yes it was loud but it sounded pretty polite to me. And sure enough the little terror girl moved out of the way.

We didn’t stay too long because 1) my children were sick and that was probably a worse offense then those mama’s ignoring their bully children while they checked facebook on their phones and 2) because it was time for an ice cream snack.

~I’ve been really crabby lately. I’m not sure what my problem is but I hate that it rubs off on my children. When they are having a bad day, acting out, overreacting, etc., all I have to do is rewind and think about how I’ve been acting.  I’ve usually been really impatient, yelling, or unattentive (or maybe all three).  A friend recently told me that all moms of 3 year olds need sedatives and while I had to laugh I tend to agree with her.

The thing that really gets me is that I’m so up and down, emotionally. One minute I’m really content and focused on what’s important and joyful and the next I’m frustrated and angry and impatient and thinking why why why. I’m really not sure what the deal is so I’m going to talk to my doctor (when I can finally go March 1st after insurance kicks in). I am getting old ya know, so maybe my hormones are wacked out or something.

~Tomorrow night I’m going to the Chris Tomlin/Louie Giglio concert with one of my best friends, my mom and my sister-in-law. I am SO excited. I’m excited to spend time with these amazing ladies but I’m most excited to spend time with the Lord and other believers and just soak it in.

~Today for our craft we made tall aliens with buzz cuts giraffes .  I know, I know. Mom of the month, right?

~We get to go see Princess and Prankster in two weeks! Pat is taking a week off work (WOO HOO) and I have 4 days off and so we’re heading up north to see them.  Angel and Caleb made their big sister flowers for Valentine’s Day and I made a make-shift vase out of a little cookie tin (and filled it with candy). I think it turned out pretty cute and thankfully made it to her in one piece.

~I talked a few weeks ago about cutting back on blogging, facebook and computer time. I wanted to let you know how that’s going.

It sucks.

Sorry Angel. I know we’re not suppose to say that word.

Here’s what I’ve come to realize. I was getting too emotionally attached to facebook and blogging. It was what I looked forward to in the morning, during the day and at the end of the day.  I spent alot of time during the day on facebook and reading other blogs.

But I love to actually blog. I love to share about my faith and our family, what I’m struggling with, where God is working in my life.    I want and need my faith in God, my dear husband and my children to be the focus of all my energy.   But I believe that I can have both, I just needed a little balance and refocus.  Now I try not to be on the computer when I’m with the kids or Pat. But sometimes I am. I try not to blog about anything unless I’ve already shared it with Pat. I’ve cut back my facebook time dramatically.  A short quiet time in the morning is priority now. I have all the time in the world at work to read other blogs and so I don’t worry about trying to get all that reading in at home.

Well anyway, not that you really care, but I just wanted to share where I was with all that.  Maybe there are others out there struggling with that whole balance thing. I’d love to hear how you keep balanced with all that life throws at ya! And that hopefully I can start blogging a little more and still keep that balance in check. We shall see!

~Pat just sent me this picture of the kids. I think that’ll get me through the night! Love those goobers so much! (What in the world are they eating?)

Have a great rest of the week!